Memorization Tips for Learning Chinese
Memorization Tips for Learning Chinese

Memorization is a big hurdle when it comes to learning Chinese. Learning new vocabulary can feel like a chore, but remembering is even harder. Our App has been used in schools and businesses around the world to consolidate Chinese Language Skills. However, if you’re looking for other tips to supplement your learning then don’t worry – we’re here to help! These tips will not only help learn characters fast, but also retain them in your memory for longer:

Memorization Tip 1: Identify What Kind of Learner You Are

Many people don’t realise that they have their own unique learning style. Your learning style will determine the best techniques for you to retain information. You might notice that you remember things better when you make colorful mind maps, whilst your friend remembers things from simply copying entire textbooks. You can be a combination of the following:

  • Visual: mind maps, flash cards, videos,
  • Kinesthetic: travel, games, role playing
  • Reading/Writing: copying/rote method, quizzes , translation
  • Auditory: language exchange, podcasts/recordings
Memorization Tip 2: Flash Cards

This might seem simplistic, but flashcards are one of the best ways to learn. However, there many types of flashcard set ups:

  • Handmade, illustrated flash cards are best for visual learners.
  • Smart algorithms in applications such as Anki, Pleco and Quizlet are efficient ways to learn characters. These apps use spaced repetition which is proved to improve recall (the process of mentally retrieving information from the past).
Memorization Tip 3: Gamify your Learning

Gamification is on the rise as a tool of learning. If you’re tired of the repetitive nature of learning characters and want a more interactive way games are the way to go:

  1. Chinese Writer combines the same dynamics as Tetris with the character memorisation. It will also teach you the correct stroke order. In addition, you can input the specific characters you want to revise.
  2. In Fluent is an interactive game which allows you to explore a 3D environment, helping you learn and memorise vocabulary.
  3. Learn Chinese by Mind Snacks offers a variety of fun and vibrant mini games to help you consolidate your vocabulary.
  4. Games Learn Chinese is an online platform with tried and tested games designed with the sole purpose of improving your Chinese.
Memorization Tip 4: Three Minute Visualize, then Memorise

This might seem too simplistic, but this is one of the most traditional ways to learn characters. This technique works because it helps you decode a character’s complexity. It also follows a similar method to the spaced repetition method employed by some memorization applications:

  1. Spend one minute looking at a character. Observe the strokes, radicals and other defining features.
  2. Spend another minute with your eyes closed, visualising the character. It might help to trace the character whilst doing so.
  3. In the final minute, rewrite the character from memory. It’s best to use a whiteboard.
  4. You can also do this activity with 5 characters at a time in a 15 minute block of time.

We hope you found these tips handy! If you need more help then read our post on Fun Ways to Improve Mandarin Language Skills! 

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