72-year-old Model Becomes Internet Celebrity
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Simplified Traditional
网红 - wǎnghóng - Internet celebrity
模特 - mótè - fashion model (loanword)
住 - zhù - to live / to dwell / to stay / to reside
小 - xiǎo - small / young
喜欢 - xǐhuan - to like
拍照 - pāizhào - to take a picture
卖 - mài - to sell
老年 - lǎonián - elderly / old age
衣服 - yīfu - clothes
网店 - wǎngdiàn - online shop
做 - zuò - to do / to make
工作 - gōngzuò - to work / work / job
年轻人 - niánqīngrén - young people / youngster
Phrase + 的 + Noun - Expressed to link a noun to a preceding phrase with "Phrase + de + Noun"
今年72岁的杨光(Yang Guang)住在上海

在 + Place - Expressing to be located in or at a certain place with "zài + Place"
今年72岁的杨光(Yang Guang)住在上海

Noun 1 + 是 + Noun 2 - Expressing that Noun 1 "is" Noun 2 with "Noun 1 + shì + Noun 2" (是 is only used to link two nouns, it cannot be used to link a noun and an adjective)

Measure Word - Expressing the number of sth with an object specific measure word in the form of "Number + Measure Word + Noun" (if the number is one, you can omit it and use the measure word by itself)

...的时候 /...时 - Expressing "when…" with "...de shíhou / …shí"

Subject + 请 + Sb / Sth + Verb - Expressing "to ask or invite sb / sth to do sth" with "Subject + qǐng + sb / sth + Verb" (causative verb)

Subject + 也 + Verb / Verb Phrase - Expressing "also / too" with "Subject + yě + Verb / Verb Phrase" (used when the subject is doing two things concurrently)

这 / 那 + Measure Word + Noun - Expressing "this… / that…" with "zhè / nà + Measure Word + Noun"

Subject + 跟 / 和 + sb / sth + 一起 + Verb - Expressing a subject is doing an action "with" sb or sth "together" with "Subject + gēn / hé + Person + yīqǐ + Verb"
Proper Nouns
上海 - Shànghǎi - Shanghai (city municipality)

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